Title: Puli
Genre: Fantasy/Action Adventure
Plot Summary:
In the mystical realm of Vedhalapuram, where humans coexist with supernatural beings known as Vedhalams, a fierce battle unfolds in Puli. The film introduces Marudheeran, a young man with a mysterious lineage. He's the adopted son of Vembunathan, the chief of a tribal village. Marudheeran is unique, as he is a half-human and half-tiger demon, granting him extraordinary strength and abilities.
From a young age, Marudheeran witnesses the oppression and cruelty inflicted upon the villagers by the Vedhalams, who wield supernatural powers. Determined to protect his people, Marudheeran becomes a symbol of hope and resilience in the village.
Love enters Marudheeran's life in the form of Pavalamalli, and their secret marriage promises a brighter future. However, tragedy strikes when Pavalamalli is kidnapped by a group of Vedhalams led by the sinister Thalapathy Jalatharangan. The village is ravaged, and Vembunathan, Marudheeran's beloved foster father, is brutally murdered.
Fuelled by vengeance and a quest for justice, Marudheeran embarks on a journey to Vedhalapuram, determined to rescue Pavalamalli and bring an end to the tyranny of the Vedhalams. Along the way, he encounters Manthagini, the princess of Vedhalapuram, and their fates become intertwined.
As Marudheeran's connection with Manthagini deepens, he uncovers shocking truths about his own heritage. He learns that he is the son of Pulivendhan, a powerful tiger demon, and Pushpa, a human princess. Pulivendhan was once the prince of Vedhalapuram, making Marudheeran the rightful heir to the throne.
However, Jalatharangan, the ruthless Commander-in-Chief of Vedhalapuram, seized control by eliminating Pulivendhan and Pushpa. Manipulating his sister, the demon Queen Yavanarani, with an evil magical ring, Jalatharangan transformed her into a tyrannical ruler. Every year, she performs a dark ritual known as Kanya Puja, which further enhances her magical powers.
Marudheeran faces an internal struggle as he realizes that he will transform into a Vedhalam if he stops consuming a medicinal leaf that suppresses his demon heritage. With newfound allies and unwavering determination, he confronts Jalatharangan in a climactic battle to avenge his parents' deaths.
As the epic showdown unfolds, secrets are unveiled, alliances are tested, and Marudheeran must decide whether to embrace his destiny as the rightful heir or forge a new path for himself and Vedhalapuram. The fate of the mystical realm hangs in the balance.
Puli is a mesmerizing tale of love, courage, and the enduring battle between good and evil, set against the backdrop of a fantastical world where mythical creatures and humans collide.